Friday, 4 March 2011
Double page spreads
This double page demonstrates the club like approach by have the picture on an angle that shows the anarchy that is typically demonstrated at night clubs. Also with the use of strobe lights in the main image is used as a visual aid for the subject matter of the whole article. The title of the article is also is the club like style with the use of black and white for the clarity of the text to be easy to see and it being on an angle also illustrates this club like approach.
This double page spread follows the codes and conventions of a music magazine by having the text follows the form of the image and pieces of text fitting into shapes of, for example heads, buildings. Also the style of the header is it starts of light on the left hand side and goes darker on the right side that could be inductor that the darker side is the future for them because of the subject matter of the text, as their future might be dark and unclear the them. The use of red is also used on the right hand side of the magazine by being used as a background for other pictures that are relevant to the article.
This double page spread demonstrates the subject matter of the article as being ‘out of control’ and disorderly, this is demonstrated by the font style of the title of the article being more difficult to see that other headers and other items of text shown on the double page spread. The picture are also shown on an angle so that to demonstrate the anarchy of the article. The main article is posted over the rest picture and is shown as being one of the focuses of attention.
This article follows the codes and conventions of a double page spread by being very picture heavy on one side but very text heavy on the other. This could represent the subject matter of the image but the title states ‘In good health’ and the article being organised in such away that it represents the main images model’s state of mind. The use of a large ‘A’ to be used as a header shows the organisation of the whole article and how it is ‘neat and tidy’. The very little use of colours in the double page spread is commonly demonstrated in ‘NME’ which is where the article is taken from.
This double page spread shows the article as being unorganised and untidy; this is demonstrated with the pictures being on an obscurer angle and different then what it normally is. However the main body of text is organised with certain items of text that are of importance being in orange, and there fore is the centre of attention for that section. The main image does not fit the style of the article as is misleading to the subject matter of the article.
Contents page analysis
Contents page analysis
This contents page follows the codes and conventions by being picture based and very little descriptive text for the headers. Contents page numbers are the subject of attention because the size and font style used for them. The main image ha descriptive text that can be easily seen, the different sections of the magazine are also shown on the contents page and all have the same font style/size and the page number are all in the same place so that they are easily found and understood.
This follows the codes and conventions by keeping the page organised with the text on the left hand side and the pictures on the right hand side of the page. The pictures on the right are also annotated with page numbers so that if the reader likes the look of the subject matter of the picture then it is easily found. The ‘contents’ title by having the skulls a the ‘o’ shows the subject matter of the magazine as being rebellious and fits the subject of the pictures.
This contents page shows the magazine as being a clubbing magazine; this is demonstrated by the use of the pictures that show a very party like approach, also with the use of a black background that represents the night life feel of the contents page. The page numbers are in a neon lighting effect and there fore further demonstrates the club like effect that the magazine is trying to get across.
This contents page follows the codes and conventions by following the style of ‘Kerrang’ by having the pictures on an angle and the font style following the style of the magazine. The top of the magazine is picture heavy with very little text and the bottom of the page has text and is unorganised that also follows the house style of the magazine. The pictures all have dark background with dark figures that follows the style of ‘Kerrang’.
This magazine’s contents page follows the subject matter of its main preliminary subjects. This is shown with the colours only being white and pink with the ‘mixmag’ title being in white and follows the subject matter of the magazine with the preliminary image being the focus and follows the softer subject of the magazine’s front cover. The other parts of the magazine also follow the magazine style with the header also being white and black so that it is easy to see.
Front cover analysis
This front covers shows the codes and conventions typically demonstrated on the electric/ dance genre magazines. This is because of the subject matter of the preliminary image of ‘Daft Punk’ who fit into the electric genre. The codes shown on the front cover is that there is a dark blue background with a lighter blue neon effect text that could represent the club like approach of the magazine; the ‘Mixmag’ title is also in white which is demonstrated on other parts of the magazine and follows the style that the magazine is trying to get across with the use of blue and white. The pictures are displayed on the lower part of the magazine with a light blue background that gets darker as it gets higher up that could indicate the dark and club like subject of the magazine.
This magazine’s front cover follows the subject matter of its main preliminary subjects. This is shown with the colours only being white and pink with the ‘mixmag’ title being in pink and follows the subject matter of the magazine with the preliminary image being the focus and follows the softer subject of the magazine’s front cover. The other parts of the magazine also follow the magazine style with the header also being pink and black so that it is easy to see.
This magazine style is that of typical ‘Mojo’ style with the front cover being heavely picture based and has the image pasted over the ‘Mojo’ title and has the colours of black and orange through out the whole front cover with the titles being in orange with the writing being in orange when the background is black. The main image is of men dressed in black follow the style that the magazine is trying to get arcoss. The background is bright so that the other items on it are clear and easy to see and understand.
This front cover follows a same style through out the whole magazine’s front cover with the use of blue and white that is typicaly represted as being used as clean new colours. This is well demonstated on the front cover as the ‘mixmag’ title is in blue as well as the main articles name that is also in blue and white that follows the style model that the magazine is going for. The main image overshadows the rest of the froitn page by having in front of the ‘mixmag’ title but behind the ‘New School’ header this allows the header to be seen clearly and easily. The ‘New School’ title is shown as being a font that represents the subject matter of the magazine as being young and active.
This magazine’s front cover follows the codes and conventions of a typical music magazine by having a the text annoting the prelinimary image in a style that demonstartes the subject matter of the magazine as being rebelious, this is shown with the text items being on a black background anjd being on an angle. This font style sits the style of the front cover by having a picture of ‘Lily Allen’ that is dressed in a rebelious style also. The main header is in red and follows the colour scheme of red that runs through the front cover of the magazine.
Music magazine questionnaire
Put a ring around the answer that you are given
1) What age are you?
14 or under 14-18 18-29 30-39 40-49
This graph demonstrates that the target audience for Music magazine will be 14-18 year olds; this is also my target market.
2) What is your gender?
Male Female
This graph demonstrates that the major of my questionnaire results are views from mostly males. And there for might be unfair and might give me one sided results.
3) Which is your favourite music genre?
R & B Rock Pop Electric Hip-hop Indie
Other (state=……………)
This shows me that the views of the questionnaire are that made by mainly fans of R & B and there fore they might give so some one sided results. However there are still a percentage of people who participated in my questionnaire who prefer the electric music genre.
4) What sort of colours would you expect on an electric genre music magazine? (Put a ring around 3 colours)
Green Gray Black Orange White Yellow
Pink Blue Other (State=……………)
This result shows me that the most popular colours that people thought would suit an electric genre magazine were Black, Blue and Other (everyone who voted other stated that it should be red). So I can conclude that I should use blue, black and red on my magazine.
5) If you read music magazines what do you like about them?
Gig guide Q+A with artists Linear Article
Reviews Upcoming talent
This set of results shows me that people who read music magazine thought that Q & A with artists was the best part of the magazine and that I should include it in my magazine.
6) Does a music video affect your view on the song?
Yes No
This piece of information shows me that there is almost an equal amount of people believe that music videos affect the song. This will be useful because it shows me that writing about video reviews might not be the best idea.
7) If yes please state why
8) How important is music to your lifestyle?
Very important Quite important Not very important
Of no importance
This shows me that the majority of people believe that music has a quite an impact in their life, however there is still a percentage of people who think music has a very important part of their life.
9) At which volume do you listen to music?
Loudest Very loud Quite loud Not that quiet
This information is useful because it shows me that people listen to their music quite loud so there fore I should not emphasize on people playing their music as loud as possible.
10) Which of the following do you like in a music magazine?
Free CD/DVD Free Posters Competitions
In depth articles about bands Album reviews
Other (State……………………………………….)
This shows me that there is a large amount of people who believe that I should put album reviews into my music magazine as well free posters which got the second highest amount of votes.
11) Would a bad or good review about a song/album change your mind about it?
Yes No
This is useful because it shows me that in my music magazine I should not write about reviews because the majority of people who I asked did not value them.
12) If yes please state why
13) Which do you find more important the news or reviews of artists
News Reviews
This piece of information shows me that the majority of people believed that I should add items of news into my magazine because they prefer them.
14) Why?
15) For the layout of music magazine’s front cover do you think it should be image based or text based?
Image based Text based
This piece of information is useful because it shows me that everyone who I asked believe that my front cover should be image heavy and be dominated by the images that I will use.
16) What price would you pay for a Music Magazine?
£ 0-3 £3-5 £5-7 Other (State……………)
This is useful because it shows me that I should retail my magazine at a price of between £0-3 because they think that this price is reasonable. With my target audience being teenagers this amount of money will be reasonable because they will be able to get that amount of money on a frequent basis.
17) For the layout of a music magazine’s contents page do you think it should be image based or text based?
Image Based Text based
This piece of information will be useful it tells me that the majority of people thought that my contents page should be image based because it is easier to understand and is not too serious if it is picture based.
18) For the layout of a music magazine’s double page spread do you think it should be a Q+A review or a linear article?
The majority of people think that on the double page spread I should have a Q & A review with a artist/ band. This will be useful because it shows me what people prefer.
19) What do you look for in a music video?
Special effects Featured stars Fits with the genre
Other (………………………)
This is useful because it shows me that people believe that what makes a music video is the use of featured stars. Also that special effects are important.
20) Why?
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