
Friday, 4 March 2011

Front cover analysis

This front covers shows the codes and conventions typically demonstrated on the electric/ dance genre magazines. This is because of the subject matter of the preliminary image of ‘Daft Punk’ who fit into the electric genre. The codes shown on the front cover is that there is a dark blue background with a lighter blue neon effect text that could represent the club like approach of the magazine; the ‘Mixmag’ title is also in white which is demonstrated on other parts of the magazine and follows the style that the magazine is trying to get across with the use of blue and white. The pictures are displayed on the lower part of the magazine with a light blue background that gets darker as it gets higher up that could indicate the dark and club like subject of the magazine. 

This magazine’s front cover follows the subject matter of its main preliminary subjects. This is shown with the colours only being white and pink with the ‘mixmag’ title being in pink and follows the subject matter of the magazine with the preliminary image being the focus and follows the softer subject of the magazine’s front cover. The other parts of the magazine also follow the magazine style with the header also being pink and black so that it is easy to see.  



This magazine style is that of typical ‘Mojo’ style with the front cover being heavely picture based and has the image pasted over the ‘Mojo’ title and has the colours of black and orange through out the whole front cover with the titles being in orange with the writing being in orange when the background is black. The main image is of men dressed in black follow the style that the magazine is trying to get arcoss. The background is bright so that the other items on it are clear and easy to see and understand. 

This front cover follows a same style through out the whole magazine’s front cover with the use of blue and white that is typicaly represted as being used as clean new colours. This is well demonstated on the front cover as the ‘mixmag’ title is in blue as well as the main articles name that is also in blue and white that follows the style model that the magazine is going for. The main image overshadows the rest of the froitn page by having in front of the ‘mixmag’ title but behind the ‘New School’ header this allows the header to be seen clearly and easily. The ‘New School’ title is shown as being a font that represents the subject matter of the magazine as being young and active.     


This magazine’s front cover follows the codes and conventions of a typical music magazine by having a the text annoting the prelinimary image in a style that demonstartes the subject matter of the  magazine as being rebelious, this is shown with the text items being on a black background anjd being on an angle. This font style sits the style of the front cover by having a picture of ‘Lily Allen’ that is dressed in a rebelious style also. The main header is in red and follows the colour scheme of red that runs through the front cover of the magazine. 

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